MDJN Full Policy Download Facility
PLI Policy Documents for Mobile DJ Network Members are here 24/7 for you to download. You should never need to present the PLI Policy Documents found here, your personal PLI Policy Documents with your name and business name are found in your Dashboard, these are what a venue will need to view and verify.
We recommend that as with any insurance, you should read the full document to ensure it's right for you and what it will and won't cover.
Also here is the Employers Liability Certificate you may wish to display if you have premises
These Policy documents relate to the cover built into all our memberships. However, depending on the type of Membership taken, some parts of the documents may not be applicable. Please refer to your personal policy from your Dashboard for clarification, if in any doubt then contact us
Typically this is related to those with VALUE Membership, which covers £5m PLI instead of the usual £10m. It also doesn't include Employers Liability Insurance
In addition to these main PLI Policy Documents, you get a personal Policy Document which details the main aspects of the policy from your Dashboard by logging in. This has your name and business name clearly printed on it. It's this document you will need to present to clients and venues who request it
You may notice that these main policy documents show dates running from 11 October this year to 10 October next year. This is a block policy under which all Members are covered. Your personal documents and cover start the day you initially pay for Membership or renew, then run for 365 days
You can download your personal policy by going to your Dashboard (from the menu at the top of this page), then click on your Business name and scroll to the bottom of your listing, there you'll see VIEW PLI HERE which will give you a PDF you can download or link to

Clicking this in your Dashboard allows viewing of your personal PLI Policy Documents